Schedule Senior Conference Today

MHS Seniors! Congratulations! 🎓You have made it to your Senior Year! 🎓

In order to make your last year at MHS as beneficial as possible, please schedule a Senior Conference.  Senior Conferences start on: September 6th and end October 27th.

SENIORS & THEIR FAMILES are encouraged to schedule a Conference to review:

💡 Graduation Requirements

💡 Life post high school

💡 Financial Aid / SAT / ACT Dates, College Fairs, College Admissions

💡 A suggested timeline for the next 9 months.  

💡 A plan so that everyone (students, parents, staff, teachers) are all on the same page

🤠Think about what time works best and sign up for a conference now. Conferences will take approximately 30 minutes to 1 Hour 🤠

*It is most advisable to schedule your conference ASAP.  

Conferences can be either in-person or virtual. If you would like a virtual conference, please contact me after booking; I will send you an invitation to a Google Meet. 

Conference times are scheduled on Tuesdays & Thursdays throughout the school day. Teachers know about Senior Conferences and will give students a "School Related Absence" if they miss class. I have also scheduled several Friday options.

Please click on the link below to schedule your Senior Conference ASAP!  

CLICK HERE: to Schedule Your Senior Conference