Meeker School District RE-1 is once again Accredited with Distinction! This is the highest accreditation rating a school can receive from the Colorado Department of Education. Only 11 school districts in the state, which equates to less than 6% of all districts, earned this rating in 2022. Your school district was one of them!
Accreditation ratings are calculated through the District Performance Frameworks (DPF) and School Performance Frameworks (SPF) that are developed by the Colorado Department of Education. The DPF and SPF documents are primarily based on state testing scores, plus a few other graduation related metrics at the high school level. All three of our schools also received the highest rating possible for individual schools in our state. Individuals wishing to view additional details may do so by clicking on the following link: 2022 Meeker DPF and SPF.
Because of testing disruptions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, these documents had not been published since 2019 and the ratings calculated in that year were simply carried forward in 2020 and 2021. Leading up to 2019, our district had been Accredited with Distinction for four years in a row. That streak is now extended to seven years in a row with the release of the 2022 ratings.
We know there are numerous criteria by which the success of a school can be rated, and that our students represent more than just test scores. However, given that the past 2 ½ years have been the most challenging educational period students, families, and staff will likely ever face, the type of academic achievement necessary to receive an Accredited with Distinction reflects the strength of our schools and our community. Because of that strength, I am proud to be a Meeker Cowboy!