Safe Schools Handbook
2015-2016 Safe School Letter to Parents
2015-2016 Safe School Letter to Parents - Spanish Version
Meeker School District Policy Link
Meeker School District Policy Link - Spanish Version
and AC-E Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity (and complaint process)
ADC Tobacco Free Schools
IHCDA Concurrent Enrollment
JB Equal Educational Opportunity
JBB* Sexual Harassment
JH Student Absences and Excuses
JHB Truancy
JIC Student Conduct
JICA Student Dress Code
JICC Student Conduct in School Vehicles
JICDA Code of Conduct
JICDD* Violent and Aggressive Behavior
JICDE* Bullying Prevention and Education
JICEA School-Related Student Publications
JICEC* Student Distribution of Noncurricular Materials
JICF Secret Societies/Gang Activity
JICH Drug and Alcohol Involvement by Students
JICI Weapons in School
JICJ Student Use of Electronic Communication Devices
JIH Student Interviews, Interrogations, Searches and Arrests
JJA-1 or JJA-2 Student Organizations (Limited Forum or Open Forum)
JK and JK-R Student Discipline
JK*-2 Discipline of Students with Disabilities
JKA Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint
JKBA* and
JKBA*-R Disciplinary Removal from Classroom
JKD/JKE Suspension/Expulsion of Students
JLCB Immunization of Students
JLCD Administering Medications to Students
JLCDA* Students with Food Allergies
JLDAC and Screening and Testing of Students (And Treatment of Mental Disorders)
JLDAC-E Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
JLFF* Sex Offender Information
JQ Student Fees, Fines and Charges
JRA/JRC, Student Records/Release of Information on Students
JRA/JRC-E-1 Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning Student Education Records
JRCA* Sharing of Student Records/Information between School District and State Agencies